Entries from 2022-01-01 to 1 year
www.youtube.com Lyrics You are my white rose that washes my soul so pleasantlyBut it seems to be dried now , you said" So tired of working or daily routine " .... Then , Let me be your sunLet me be your sunflowerthat cheer you up vigorousl…
www.youtube.com LyricsIt belongs to Englandbut streets have African feelingTropical palm treesExoticism are flowingRed colour telephone boxDouble - decker red busSeveral cultures are mingled in this place !Gibraltar !The Botanic Garden mak…
In the autumn park age 19 , I didn't think about the future or life at all , just hanged around with a girlfriends , though I should have considered much , then my Rodin's thinker sculpture fell and crushed on the ground
www.youtube.com LyricsVenezia , Venezia !People had to evacuate from invasionsFound a safe place on marsh in the lagoonIt was a hard situation but in the endthe place has become the most beautiful city man ever made !!Venezia !Night stream…
www.youtube.com Made by impressions of a journey Lyrics Ah Queen of the Danube , Capital of freedom ! Keleti station , Good old feeling , Pleasantly nostalgic Through picturesque edifices , see the spectacular riverside ! Protected by four…
www.youtube.com 旅行の際の印象から作りました
For some , sunset gives bright colour , and for some it casts colour of blood
www.youtube.com 旅行の際の印象から作りました
www.youtube.com Meeting western rock music changed my life amazingly , the quirk of fate !
www.youtube.com 旅行した時の印象から作りました
www.youtube.com 旅行した時の印象から作りました
When we had a date and were talking on the street , she suddenly , said " I 'm gonna make some service for you by pulling out your underarm hair " and stretched her arms into my sleeve . I was a bit surprised by such a weird penchant ...
www.youtube.com 色んな虚実が入り乱れている世界ですが、 少なくともロック音楽は絶対的に信じられるもの ! という歌です
www.youtube.com About a difference of values father and son have respectively
自分は今、完全な女性嫌いで 、というのは押し付けて来る人達が周りにいて、自分は押し付けられれば押し付けられるほど、拒絶反応を起こす性質なので、元からどっちかというと一人が好きだったのに、本当に話しても何も得るものがない、知識の無い、女性は嫌…