
You Tube に" 松田伸一郎 " 及び " Shinichiro Matsuda " の名義で音楽等をアップしています。良かったら見てください。Youtube link , https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnjkZd-IvK9L4zMGyRUOJg/playlists

Entries from 2022-01-01 to 1 year

No.2 in Tokyo chart on ReverbNation

オリジナルソング " Let me be your sun "

www.youtube.com Lyrics You are my white rose that washes my soul so pleasantlyBut it seems to be dried now , you said" So tired of working or daily routine " .... Then , Let me be your sunLet me be your sunflowerthat cheer you up vigorousl…

Original Music " Song for Gibraltar "

www.youtube.com LyricsIt belongs to Englandbut streets have African feelingTropical palm treesExoticism are flowingRed colour telephone boxDouble - decker red busSeveral cultures are mingled in this place !Gibraltar !The Botanic Garden mak…

Original music " One day in Naples "


オリジナルソング " Love is Blue in many ways "


Song for Los Angeles original music


In the train from Naples to Pompeii

Not thinking much. The thinker fell down .

In the autumn park age 19 , I didn't think about the future or life at all , just hanged around with a girlfriends , though I should have considered much , then my Rodin's thinker sculpture fell and crushed on the ground

Original Music Song for Venezia

www.youtube.com LyricsVenezia , Venezia !People had to evacuate from invasionsFound a safe place on marsh in the lagoonIt was a hard situation but in the endthe place has become the most beautiful city man ever made !!Venezia !Night stream…

Original music Song for Budapest Shinichiro Matsuda

www.youtube.com Made by impressions of a journey Lyrics Ah Queen of the Danube , Capital of freedom ! Keleti station , Good old feeling , Pleasantly nostalgic Through picturesque edifices , see the spectacular riverside ! Protected by four…

Original music Song for Barcelona


illustration A night of billards with 2nd girlfriend

オリジナルソング マルセイユに捧げる歌

www.youtube.com 旅行の際の印象から作りました

We watched the sunset in different ways

For some , sunset gives bright colour , and for some it casts colour of blood


www.youtube.com 旅行の際の印象から作りました

My Precious Quirk of Fate !

www.youtube.com Meeting western rock music changed my life amazingly , the quirk of fate !


www.youtube.com 旅行した時の印象から作りました


www.youtube.com 旅行した時の印象から作りました





An uncanny and aberrant trait of my 3rd girlfriend

When we had a date and were talking on the street , she suddenly , said " I 'm gonna make some service for you by pulling out your underarm hair " and stretched her arms into my sleeve . I was a bit surprised by such a weird penchant ...







ロック音楽はいつも私の味方!! 日本語字幕版

www.youtube.com 色んな虚実が入り乱れている世界ですが、 少なくともロック音楽は絶対的に信じられるもの ! という歌です

スナップ イタリア ローマで



イラスト 潮風を受けて 4番目の彼女と

Original Song Son sometimes doesn't follow father's hope

www.youtube.com About a difference of values father and son have respectively

思い出 4番目の彼女の優しい心遣い

自分は今、完全な女性嫌いで 、というのは押し付けて来る人達が周りにいて、自分は押し付けられれば押し付けられるほど、拒絶反応を起こす性質なので、元からどっちかというと一人が好きだったのに、本当に話しても何も得るものがない、知識の無い、女性は嫌…